A semi-complete tour of pottery blogs, part 6

This post is a version of my new blogroll which can be found on one of the top tabs on the new site. It was way too big to list in the side bar of the site so I gave it it's own page. After a lot of work (and a little lot ofhelp), I was able to create thumbnail snapshots of the blogs to break up the very long list and add a little visual interest. The blogroll that is on the top tab is connected to my blog reader, so it updates whenever I add or subtract a blog automatically.

In addition to writing thispottery blog, I also am an avid reader of clay focused blogs written by other ceramic artists. There are more than 100 blogs on my blogroll that I read daily through a blog reader. (I really do read all of these blogs listed!) It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but once you're caught up, it's so nice to start your day catching up with potters from around the world.

At the bottom of this list you'll find directions for connecting this list to your blog reader so you can read them regularly too. Because this list could be endless without some restrictions, I do have some perimeters for the blogs here- they need to be mostly about clay, have original content and are updated semi-regularly. This is not a complete list (I did title this as semi-complete). I "discover" new blogs every week and wonder how I possibly could have missed them before.Let me know if I'm missing anything!

There is no way that I could remember to check in with these blogs on my own, so I use the blog reader,Google Reader, to subscribe to these blogs. Instead of visiting all the sites, the newest posts are compiled into the reader automatically and keeps track of the unread ones, etc… It's very easy to set up (really…it is!).
If you're interested in subscribing to my list (above), and you're using Google Reader, just follow these simple steps.

  1. Login to Google Reader

  2. Click on this link and “save file :http://www.google.com/reader/public/subscriptions/user/15666827403315601321/label/public

  3. Figure out where the downloaded file is located. (for PC users) Right click on the download and click on “open folder containing. That will tell you where the downloaded file is located

  4. Click on “Manage Subscriptions

  5. Click on “Import/Export

  6. Click on Browse and locate the downloaded file.

  7. Click Upload and then start reading! You'll be overwhelmed with posts to read at first, but once you get caught up, it's quite manageable :)

You can always use this as a starting point and add and subtract subscriptions from this list to suit your interests.

And if you're overwhelmed by the number of posts that appear in your blog reader, you can always “mark all as read and start reading from that point forward.


How to make a USB powered pottery wheel


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