The future of this blog about ceramics...

I know that I have been a little neglectful of this blog lately. I really enjoy writing and keeping it up to date- but it's been a busy year. When I ask myself : should I make pots today, or write a blog post today? Usually the clay wins out, as it should. Making pots as well as working on a website can be solitary tasks. Sometimes it can feel like no one else is out there.
About a month ago I went to NCECA and got to meet many people in person that I have met through this blog and through my pots. It was a nice reminder that the words and pots are being received on the other end.
I am going to be doing do reorganization of this site so the archives are easier to get to. I also have a lengthy list of topics that I am going to be tackling, and I'd like your input on it.
Some of the topics that I'm going to be writing about:

-a tour of ceramics in Chicago
-pottery/ clay tool reviews
-guest bloggers
-online pottery videos

If you have anything that you'd like me to blog about, just shoot me an email. Or if you come across a link that you think would be interesting to me, let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Chicago Clay


New work by Emily Murphy